July 18, - 20, 2008:
    This weekend we had our convention,
    and the program was so wonderful.
    Two new fantastic books, and two times a talk of
    Brother Templeton. He's a great speaker! Well, for more informations,
    see my pics under convention!

July 24, 2008:
    Today we visited the zoo!
    At the beginning I was a little bit sceptic,
    if we will have fun, but then
    I took my camera with me, and I took some nice pictures
    of some gorgeous animals!

July 24, 2008:
    This day I got my working suit for my job.
    And I immediately tried it and it looked great!

July 26, 2008:
    Oh, I'm such a fool!
    Coz today I had my first-aid course.
    But I entered the wrong door!
    It was the one-day course and
    I needed to go to the two-day course.
    Well, now I have to go again to this course.
    *throw up*

August 1, 2008:
    Yuppie!!! I had my first workday today.
    They all were so nice. And I enjoyed finally
    to work, cos I didn't work for almost a half year!
    But anyway, it was just a half day to work,
    because on Fridays we work just till noon!
    So, in that case it wasn't so hard to work!